Saturday, December 12, 2020

Waccasassa Park

Saturday afternoon drive down the backroads just to see something different. Waccasassa Park is literaly at the end of the road. There is a public boat dock, a few cement tables and benches and functional restrooms. And No-See-Ums. I've been inside so long, I forgot about bugs. (Self - add bug spray to the car travel kit) Most imprtantly, there is the Waccasassa River. Dark and wild. Occasional sound of an boat motor; otherwise quiet. Sunny but crisp.
There is a fish club next to the park which must have it's own boat ramp as this red airboat is heading in for the day.
The sky and water reflect the colors of the sun setting.
Colors are gone for the day; gray and then dark filter in.
Map to area:

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Tuscawilla Preserve, Subtle Flowers, Sunday Afternoon

Just south of Micanopy Florida along S.E. Tuscawilla Road just east of Highway 441, we drive along the Tuscawilla Preserve site of the historic Tuscawilla Lake.

We walk through the Spanish Moss covered Live Oaks onto a damp prairie. It's April but the prairie is still brown. A hawk flies high hunting for lunch. We hear some traffic sounds but overall it's quiet. We see patches of subtle flowers ever where.

Subtle Flowers? The ones that don't scream their bright colors at you. They're there. You see them. But it takes a longer, more in depth look to really see them. They coexist with the landscape around them, provide beauty without the need to dominate.

The world could use more subtle flowers.

Anthropomorphism on a Sunday afternoon.