Saturday, July 23, 2011

On the Road to Rooterville

RootervilleMystery trip somewhere east of Melrose ...Eureka! We have found it!  (Whatever "it" may be)We seem to be "here"Someplace called "Rooterville"Not much of a clue yet where we are
OMG there are PIGS everywhereA rescue sanctuary just moving into new propertyRootervilleRootervilleRootervilleRooterville
Just roll over on top of my feet and sure, I'll pet yaRootervilleRootervilleRootervilleRootervilleRooterville

What to do when one of your friends tells you they have "prepared" a mystery trip "just for you"?

Well, after much trepidation, we simply decided to "trust and obey" and offer to buy her breakfast before leaving to who knows where so at least it would take a little longer for us all to starve to death when she got us lost in the middle of nowhere.

9 a.m. We're all sitting at an outdoor table at The Flying Biscuit Cafe in the Millhopper Shopping Center. Still cool enough at 9 a.m. to eat outside. Excellent breakfast; wonderful service; company isn't too bad either.

Then we are off. East to Melrose ... then some dirt road off a county road where it feels as if we are looking for the 2nd dirt road past the stump on the right. Very intricate system of dirt roads here which the people who live there probably know very well. Judging by the "NO TRESPASSING" signs on the end of most driveways, I'd guess that they also know if one doesn't live back here, they don't want you ending up in their yard unless that is your mutually agreed upon intended destination.

We trudge on. Marcia is driving. Linda is next to her navigating from Marcia's handwritten directions taken from a phone conversation. I am providing moral support from the back seat while gently sipping my coffee.

Huh? We are now THERE and I need to get out and open the gate. It was to be left unlocked for us.

We still don't know where we are. Large area with huge Florida trees and pastures and a few barns in the distance.

Marcia parks the car and we see a tall young man in a red shirt working over by an out building. We get out of the car and slowly come to realize, there are pigs here. Everywhere. Not crowded together but in small groups lying in the dirt; the leaves, under bushes or any other patch of shade.

We have arrived at Rooterville

From their website "Rooterville is a beautiful place, providing safe haven for over 100 rescued animals. We provide medical treatment and proper nourishment for unwanted, abused and abandoned animals of all species, particularly potbellied pigs." Their web site has some wonderful information and photos on who they are, what they do and opportunity to volunteer or support their mission.

The tall young man in the red shirt isn't exactly expecting us, but he makes a noble effort to tell us about Rooterville and some of the rescue animals living here. (And available for adoption via Petfinder)

People adopt cute little pot bellied pigs but don't realize they're going to grow up or don't know how to care for them or sometimes for circumstances not in their control, the pigs need somewhere to go. Rooterville is one of very few rescue sanctuaries which specializes in pot bellied pigs. They also have a miniature horse, a pony, a couple of goats, turkeys, chickens, Guinea hens and many dogs.

We see the facilities and see all the work that's been done since Rooterville moved here a couple of months ago. The nice young man in the red shirt also tells us of all the work that they still need to do. He describes how one person was out collecting outdated produce from grocery stores and how they process it when it comes in. About the "elderly pigs" who need special food. About the 40 school children coming on Wednesday to help spread a couple of loads of sand in the new barn areas.

We are impressed and very grateful for the people behind Rooterville as well as all who work with rescue of all kinds.

We find our way safely back home.

Thank you Marcia!

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