Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our Blackberry Sniffing Dog

Sarah, our faithful canine, and I are never sure where we will end up when traveling with LLL- a glimpse at a sign by the side of the road ....

....and the next thing we know, we're out in the hot sun picking blackberries. 

Two other people jokingly (we think) accused us of having better luck finding the ripe berries because our dog was telling us where they were. Sort of like a truffle pig.

Sarah's nose pointing to ripe blackberries

 Sarah may have found another calling; although I think she prefers her "callings" to come with air conditioning. 

Usually our "outings" are reward in themselves, but today we have
fresh picked blackberries and vanilla ice cream!

At the Blues Brothers Blueberry Farm in Anthony, Florida 

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