Friday, September 17, 2004

Nigeria: What's It Like Here?

OK -- what s it like here? The University is falling apart and the
conference center is no xception. There are very few people here and
everything is old and dirty and malfunctioning. I am in my camp
mentality so I am not going to mind it much.
The rook is dirty and wet and moldy and the air conditioner is
sporadic -- though it gets more air than Linda's does. I am glad we
are together as this would be very hard without another person. What
will be hardest is the light. There is no light in the room that
gives enough light to read by -- infact they are all rboken except for
one in the bathroom and one really dull one over the bed. I wonder
how I will go to sleep without reading. I unpacked and pulled down
the sheet to pt my camp sheet down and killed three live bugs in the
process, There are moth balls on the floor -- I left them there as I
think they chase away critters. The air conditioner leaks water and
is all broken in front. I have a view of the roof and nothing else.
The bathroom leaks. I am glad I am prepared, except that I forgot to
put the lare\ger flashlight in my suitcase -- I can't believe I did
that. I took the little one out and i! ntended to put the big one in
-- ohy well you don't need a flashllight. There is no way we could
ever go to puchase something. The electricity has gone off four times
since we got here -- once for a couple of hours. But it is on now and
I am writing to you and that makes me oh so happy -- save these darn
things because without light I can't write them on paper. Besides if
I am going to teach kids I need everybit of the paper I can get. It
will be hard because they won't understand me or I them. Sunday at 2 I
will learn more. What will we do tomorrow? Who kn ows. This evening
we walked all the way to the campus -- probably over a mile -- but
tomorrow nothing will be open -- in fact today not much was -- only
studcents leaving for theweek3end -- the semester starts Monday. We
noticed there is somekind of performer on Wednewsday night -- no idea
what -- but we may go in to it -- otherwisew there is nothing to do
here. We! ll my hour of Internet use\age ius about up so I'll send
this off for now -- Linda is OK -- nice companion -- I am glad she
likes to walk. We are compatible -- and Ihad to tell her that the
lady who lives iwth me is feeding my pets -- lordy. Plus I walked in
shorts and have not see anyone in shorts since I got here -- but it is
so hot that I just could not stand walking in slacks. I am a tourist
-- wore the camera around my next in case there was any question. I
have not seen a white person since I got to Ibaden -- actually they
only white person I have seen in Nigeroia is the white woman who is
mattied to the Nigerian and who is in some way coordinating operations
for this affair. Bye for now -- more later --

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