Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pyramids at Giza and the Sphinx

This is one of my favorite images from my visit to the Giza Pyramids on Saturday morning, November 13, 2010. Watching from a distance, one can almost feel the vast emptiness of the desert as the person on camel rides past ones of the original seven wonders of the world.

Reality of course is that there are thousands of people here this morning from all over the world. A true babel as the multiple languages of us visitors blend together with the authoritative voices of our respective guides and the wonderfully charmingly perfect English (to me anyway) spoken by the ever present souvenir hawkers.

The wonder and mystery of these Great Pyramids does not disappoint.

Neither does the Great Sphinx of Giza - pictured here with the second pyramid, the one of Khafra, behind it.

And pictured here with the head of KathyL beside it (for those of you responsible for letting Marcia know she's ok) ...

And here is one tacky picture of me in front of the Great Pyramid of Khufu (aka Cheops in Greek) with one of my new good friends in the spiffy white uniform with an automatic weapon by his side (aka Tourism Police) The picture was taken by another nice young man in a spiffy white uniform with an automatic weapon by his side (and who was tipped $1 for his efforts). Just glad he shot me with the camera. (Did I mention I tipped him?)

Sunday night (11/14/2010) We are back here for the sound and light show. (Since our hotel is within sight of the pyramids, it wasn't exactly a long drive even in Cairo traffic) Best part of which was the sitting here in the cool desert evening under the stars with a sliver of moon with the Sphinx and the three Great Pyramids visible before us. It almost seems real that I'm here.

Leaving the Giza complex at night to get back on our bus, here is the street scene as we come out. City and country present many contrasts.

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