Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wandering in Egypt

Wandering in Egypt as living examples that all who wander are not lost.

Made it to Egypt just fine 24 plus hours after leaving home.  Arrived at our hotel sometime Friday night very close to Saturday.  Six hours later, we're out in the desert looking for our cruise ship.

Ok, seriously. Cruise ship doesn't leave until  Monday or Tuesday.  (Check out the Egypt tab above for the schedule.)  A very full day today - the Giza pyramids and  the Sphinx, in the morning; the Citadel with the Alabaster Mosque in the afternoon where from the top of the hill, I could hear mid-afternoon call to prayer coming from all over the city. Followed by 3 hours in the Egyptian Museum where one could spend 3 weeks and never touch half of the items they have on display.  Beautiful day. Sunny. 80's.  Exhausted. Leave for half day trip to Memphis in the morning. 

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